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Real-Time Content Analysis

Identify your target audience and place your advertising in the appropriate context based on page content.

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How contextual targeting works
An article with highlighted keywords and a "no cookies" tag

Cookie-Less Solution for Your Business

Contextual targeting allows you to display your ads in a relevant environment while respecting user privacy. This technology is completely independent of cookie files and ensures impressive advertising effectiveness.

How It Works

Our system analyzes the core content on the page and classifies it into thematic categories. You have the ability to precisely selectively target your audience from over 700 different thematic categories based on the classification of content in the IAB Content Taxonomy 3.0, as well as from tens of thousands of keywords and phrases.

An example of Native Video format placement on a website
Example of placement on a website in Half Screen format

Tailor Your Ads to the Context

Create various creatives that match different contextual settings, evaluate their performance, and conduct separate optimization for each targeting setting.

100% Brand Safety

Protect your brand's reputation by having complete control over the content where you place your ads.

We scan the key content of the page to detect any inappropriate content and filter unsuitable inventory based on individual client requirements.

Premium Partnerships

Access an audience of over one million in Ukraine, with a monthly reach exceeding 80% and more than 2 billion monthly ad impressions

ad impressions/month
monthly reach

Your ads will be displayed on the country's leading information platforms:

лого "24 канал"лого "Obozrevatel"лого "TCH"лого "Milliyet"лого "НВ"лого "Hürriyet"лого "Sabah"лого "РБК-Україна"лого "Yeni Asır"лого "Movimento Country"лого "1 news"лого "Perfil"лого "Унiан"лого "terra"лого "Fanatik"лого "riovagas"

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us today to see how Native Video can help you achieve your marketing goals.

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